Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Porn Star, My Doppelganger

Today, I watched "Atomic Vixens," "O: The Power of Submission," and "Exposed: Justine." Justine Joli appears in all of these movies. Since Justine "only does girls," as they say in the porn biz, on camera, this was what I would call a very lesbionic experience. It was "research" for my nonfiction book proposal about Porn Valley, as Justine is the subject of the sample chapter. Relatedly, today marked the debut of the trailer for "Janine Loves Jenna." In this porn movie, Jenna Jameson kills herself. Then, Jenna takes a Dante Alighieri-inspired tour through a pornographic Hell on a quest for redemption. I watched the trailer. I called my friend. "Guess who Jenna Jameson has sex with in this movie!" I exclaimed. "Beatrice?" she ventured. The answer is Justine.