Monday, February 05, 2007

A Porn Star Is Born

This week, it's all porn stars all the time. I'm writing the sample chapter of my book proposal, and it's about a porn star, porn stars, Porn Stars. That is, it's about one porn star, what porn stars are, what Porn Stars mean in America. The above is one of my favorite photographs of Jenna Jameson. Here, she is playing against type, what with her brown hair, her no makeup, her bared neck. Porn stars aren't easy. They are tough nuts to crack. Sometimes, you forget they're just girls. Sometimes, I think porn stars are angels, seeking salvation in the final frontier of Satan. Sometimes I think porn stars are 21st century pornai, wandering this earth in "Follow Me" Louboutins. Sometimes I think porn stars are idorus, wondering if they really exist. In reality, they're women like me.