Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Sulky Stripper

Last night, a man asked me: "What kind of guy would be with you?" And, at this rate, I have no clue. So, this morning I bought a bottle of perfume called Ange ou Démon by Givenchy, which the slick French woman behind the counter said was for a woman of two angel and a devil, I'd imagine. By the end of this week, I'll be done with the first chapter of my novel. I guess I'm writing it in something of a stream-of-consciousness style. In the new millennium, Molly Bloom is waiting tables, it would seem. In the meantime, I keep listening to this and wondering when someone will let me know when I've passed this acid test of a life. Sometimes, I feel like I'm on the telephone, but I'm talking to a dial tone. Are you hearing me? Like I'm hearing you? (via)