Monday, July 09, 2007

Tag I'm It

Greta Christina, who edited the upcoming Best Erotic Comics 2008, which will include one of my bukkake comics, tells me that tag I'm it.

Here are the rules:

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

1. Today I started doing yoga again. It's been two years. I am a Gordian Knot.

2. Right now, I'm reading a book I'm reviewing. It's short stories. Some are sweet. Some are not. This is a good line in it: "George said: 'You know, I never thought of it before, I can't figure out whether your amputees pray to God to make them whole, or just to make sure nothing else comes off.'"

3. From my mailbag: "Who is this? Think twice (I also think twice). Who is this? Is it you reading me? Is it me writing (to) you? If so (whatsoever), Where are we now? Am I there in front of you, becoming an image, a supposed figure, a sort of chimera or, is it you in my mind reading me, curious about these peculiar set of messages? Who are we? I mean, only when you read me is you and at this very moment / while I am writing, I know is me. Do you like misteries? I feel all this as a kind of. I love mistery. But, what is the point? That is the point. The mistery of being here-there, the porn/unporn theme bounding us, in some place where we are not, but we are. That's why I asked first (or it was you?): Who is this?"

4. [Pause]

5. This year, it will be ten years since I set foot on the set of a porn movie for the first time. I have yet to write a definitive piece on my experiences in Porn Valley. I am attempting to do so, slowly. Yesterday, I watched a porn movie online as "research." I was present at this one. I kept looking for myself. A couple years ago, I lost my mind. One night, I decided I would never write about pornography again. Then, I checked my email. It was around 1AM. There was an email from a man I did not know. He'd been watching a porn movie, he wrote to me, and, he told me, I had appeared in it, he said, stepping in and stepping out of frame, for an instant. I don't know how he knew it was me. I don't remember which movie it was. I did realize at that moment that no matter what I said or did or didn't say or didn't do, I would always be stepping in and stepping out of that movie.

6. The yoga teacher said: "The past and the future do not exist."

7. There was the girl in the middle of the screen. When I was there, I wasn't there. (See: Dissociation.) Now, I am not there, and yet I am more there than I was when I was there.

8. "Wherever I am not is the place where I am myself."

Tag You're It:

1. Confessions of a College Callgirl
2. Mr. Sex
3. Daphne Gottlieb
4. La Petite Claudine
5. Reader of Depressing Books
6. Eric Spitznagel
7. Unscathed Corpse
8. Jayme Waxman