--"...[M]ost of the stuff that people write is shit." -- literary agent Ira Silverberg, "Shelf Esteem," Time Out New YorkYesterday, this blog's inclusion in Time.com's First Annual Blog Index, as well as mentions on Valleywag, del.icio.us, and various other venues, sent 10,000 visitors here. Originally, I launched the Reverse Cowgirl 1.0 in 2002. Back then, it was one of a handful of blogs devoted to sex in those days in which Daze Reader reigned supreme. Now, sex blogs are everywhere, some of the most popular ones little more than high-profile links portals to porn sites, and the most high-profile sex writer of the moment simply cannot write. In late 2003, I tore down the original version of the Reverse Cowgirl. Why? It's hard to say. I moved across the country. I wanted to put everything else I'd done behind me. Everything I'd said on that blog was something I no longer wanted to remember. So, I disappeared it--and me. I became the Invisible Cowgirl. Two years ago, I launched the Reverse Cowgirl 2.0, the one you are reading now. It's been a long road. For a long time, I didn't know what to say. Over time, I started blogging about things that were more personal. Now, I'm writing my novel, Happy. It's based on my experiences in Porn Valley. It's like coming full circle. I thought it would make me feel better. And it does. But sometimes it makes me wonder. Who would want to read it? After all, you can't unread what you've read. Once upon a time, I asked a porn writer why he thought people in Porn Valley do the things they do, and he replied: "Because they can." In Porn Valley, you see what anyone would do, given half a chance. Porn is truth. The rest? Lies.
Barry: I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty.
Lena: I want to chew your face, and I want to scoop out your eyes and I want to eat them and chew them and suck on them.
Barry: OK. This is funny. This is nice. -- "Punch Drunk Love"