Friday, May 30, 2008

Bruce Sterling on Sex Scandals

You may have seen this Bruce Sterling post via Boing Boing, but it's worth pointing out here. Sterling says sex scandals are centipedes.

"'Centipedes' are covert conspiracies meant to drive politicians from power by creating moral panics. Centipedes have the same dynamics as modern terror-groups, but they exploit sexual scandal instead of bloody mayhem. Centipedes are a cheap, highly effective, low-risk, highly-mediated method of political destabilization."

Interesting. And appropriately phallic.

I thought this centipedal (is that a word? Well, it is now) aspect was particularly accurate:

"I. A ferocious and salacious public that stampedes at the thought that politicians have illicit sex just like they do."

Just like you.