Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Porn Scribe Sez Snuff Sucks

Veteran porn scribe Gene Ross reviews Chuck Palahniuk's new novel Snuff with the jaundiced eye of a man who has seen a thing or two or 2000 in the real porn industry and delivers a resounding thumbs down.

"But in Palahniuk’s novel titled 'Snuff,' fiction, it seems, is stranger and, apparently, a whole lot better than truth. Such is the basic fact - that most of what Palahniuk writes about here, bears little resemblance to what you’d come across in the real porn world.

If that’s the case, why should we quibble about minor details getting in the way of a good story, you might ask? Well, for Doubleday to cash in on a really bad, tedious book with Palahniuk’s name attached to it, for one thing. Although I've yet to come across a review that hasn't gone out of its way to kiss Palahniuk's ass which was one of my reasons, aside from the obvious, for grabbing a copy to begin with.

Or put it this way. If some Joe Blow nobody had submitted this idea, the publishing company would have been firing off rejection slips faster than premature ejaculation."

Heh. That was a good one, Gene. My review and commentary.

BTW, Snuff is #52 on Amazon.