Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vera Farmiga So Hot She Makes Apotemnophilia Sexy

Defamer's got an interview with Vera Farmiga about her upcoming role in "Quid Pro Quo," a movie so strange that even I can't really figure out what it's about.

"Any time you sit down with an apotemnophiliac — actually, even that is probably an outdated term for it. Now it's like 'body image integrity disorder.' The only support system I could find was online. The only explainable thing is that the anguish of wanting to be paralyzed is greater than that of amputation."

According to Wikipedia, apotemnophilia "is the overwhelming desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs or other parts of the body." Sometimes, I want to chop my head off, so I guess it's kind of like that.