Friday, October 10, 2008

Passing The Torch

Tracy Clark-Flory has penned a strong piece for Salon on the sorry state of sex writing today: "Sex Writing Goes Limp." Lately, a bunch of people got to sounding the death knell for sex writing. My opinion, which is quoted in the piece already, is that if the emphasis was on writing rather than sex, there wouldn't be so much caterwauling. If you can't write to save your life, you're fucked, right? Susie Bright and Carol Queen spawned us, but if what we wrought is Julia Allison, who uses the term "gonzo journalism" to describe sitting through New York fashion week, God help us all. I'm praying for a new generation of writers--who happen to write about sex. My money's on Clark-Flory. She's a reporter first, and her subject (sex) is second. You go, girl. Fuck the sexperts.