Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ebner's Spiked Chapter

My friend Mark Ebner has posted a spiked chapter from his forthcoming book, Six Degrees of Paris Hilton: Inside the Sex Tapes, Scandals, and Shakedowns of the New Hollywood.

"Up until now, I had only dabbled with random women here and there. I was seriously starting to have some sense of my sexuality and what it meant to me. On one hand, I saw women in this disgusting light that my father had painted for me - a light that showed all the ugliness in people. But through all that, I found such a unique beauty in women, and tried to find anything that was beautiful in those women, as an act of defiance towards my father. He wanted to show me what whores women were, and I wanted to show him what angels they were if he would only look. This is where I really started to realize that I was different than most - I looked for different things in life. I always had to find something beautiful in the trash."

Read: "Chapter 17: The Lower Depths."