Friday, May 15, 2009

The F Word

Well, when I wrote my first post on Double X, I really didn't expect a mini-shitstorm to come of it. Frankly, I didn't think I was saying much I, or others, hadn't said before. I really thought most people were kind of, you know, over it.

Apparently, the "feminist" blogs didn't like what I wrote, among them Bitch, Feministe, and Feministing. The comments are hilarious, if you have the time. In more than one thread, they get all worked into an inner-thigh lather over the fact that I used the term "culturally retarded," which they said was "ableist." I had to look that one up.

They're always so angry! And shouty! And sure you are doing something wrong! Especially if you are a man! Or disagree! Or diverge from the philosophy which is not written down but they can find if you just give them a minute to paw through the kicked up bird feed and look behind the macrame plant hanger and check under the futon!

For another take on this tiny tempest in a tampon holder, please see the always brilliant Meghan O'Rourke's "Feminism Is Not a Monolith and Neither is Double X." You don't even need to read it. The title is enough. It is correct.

Ironically, feminism's lack of diversity of thought was its disease. Thankfully, Double X is uncensored. Unabashed about that. And totally unretarded.