Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ceci N'Est Pas L'Écriture Féminine

Charles McGrath hangs around with Andre Dubus III (House of Sand and Fog) who hangs around at some strip clubs in Florida to write some novel that reads like thong-heavy pulp.

"Eventually Mr. Dubus decided that he needed to visit clubs in Florida. He thought it would be helpful to see the Florida light, to feel what Florida was like. So he bought some plane tickets, rented a convertible and enlisted his brother and best friend from high school — because they are big guys whom nobody messes with. To finance the expedition he raided some money that he had set aside from a Guggenheim grant he won in 2001. 'At first I thought, I have a Guggenheim for just this kind of thing — research,' he said. 'And then I thought, "This can’t possibly be appropriate."' But he went anyway, after what he recalls as a somewhat awkward conversation with his wife. 'Honey, I need to go to Florida and I need to see some strip clubs.'"

(Image via Autumn.)