Thursday, June 04, 2009

Things I've Learned About Photography Recently

1. If you think, "I'll take a picture of that later," sometimes it's not there when you get back.

2. If you run after people and ask them if you can take a picture of them, sometimes they say yes.

3. If you sit in the street trying to get a photo of your rims, for reasons you won't be able to explain later, and do so unsuccessfully, you may not get run over by passing cars.

4. If you go down by the river by yourself, you will wonder whether or not you're going to end up belly up in it.

5. If you don't take the lens cap off, you will feel stupid and wonder if anyone saw but most of the time nobody will have noticed.

6. If you think you got it, you probably didn't.

7. If you think you didn't get it, you probably got something else.

8. If you take a photograph of an animal, it will not do what you say.

9. If you take a photograph of a child, it won't do what you say, but it will do something better, especially if you tell it: "Just be exactly who you are."

10. If you think you are getting better, you are not. Not yet, anyway. Someday, maybe.
