The other day I mentioned I landed a new gig. What is it? I'll be doing online publicity, or what they call "Blogger Outreach," for The Frisky. In the past, I was a publicist for an imprint of Simon & Schuster, so this is a bit of that.
The Frisky is something like Jezebel, but without the vagina dentata. If you're interested in checking out the site, I recommend recent posts on the Nation's new sex column, the return of granny panties, and nine songs about onanism.
In the loosest of parallels, I suppose this job is something like what I've watched, with interest, Hugh MacLeod do over the years with various entities. Or maybe not. It's an emerging field, I suppose, which is what makes it interesting. One of my earliest online gigs was working as a movie critic for TNT's Roughcut, which, like The Frisky, is owned by Turner. Ah, those halcyon days before the blogosphere ate our brains.