Thursday, May 28, 2009

Depending on the Kindness of Strangers After a Long Night Spent Dreaming of Flying Fire Ants

Hi Susannah,

Just wanted to extend a quick thanks for linking up to the Colliding Particles videos. I just watched them all. These are the kind of people that help me keep some hope in humans. I took my son to the open house at JPL in Pasadena this year and got myself involved in conversations with a couple different engineers there. I'm not sure how to explain the energy I feel when I'm around people creating or defining their worlds as they go. I've felt something similar from some of the musicians and artists I've met. It's something I feel reading your posts.

I'm gonna use the particle link as an excuse to take a moment and thank you for living your life so openly and honestly in such a very public way. I can't imagine it is easy. Only knowing you from the reflections cast by your writing I can't really attest to the why, but to me what you are doing is a very brave and helpful thing. It's strange and humbling to find bits of clarity in my life from the suffering and joy of a woman living a life that is very different from my own. I'd say keep up the good work or something corny, but really, my hope for you is clarity of purpose in whatever direction you take. I'll be following the part that remains public. :)


(Image via Agraphie)