Meanwhile, over at Debauchette, where a similar ad runs (the model there is porn star Charlotte Stokely), one commentor whines: "I just wish you’d put up some ads with, I don’t know, normal weight women that don’t so blatantly use sex to make some guy millions... AA just makes me feel gross as a woman."
I pinged Copyranter to find out what he thinks of the ads. His response: "I just hate to see such a classic typeface as Helvetica sullied such." Oh, you ad people. So fonty.
Me? I don't really see it. I'm porn blind.
If you have something fascinating to say on the subject, email me.
Update: Adranter Steve Hall observes: "This ad is just getting back to...ahem...the natural way of things."
Update 2: Yaybia emails: "Don't get us wrong, the Yaybia ladies are no strangers to nudity. We were just surprised to see it pop out of nowhere. Offended? Nah."
Update 3: AgencySpy opines: "[N]ow, your brain will forever tie the American Apparel brand to sex (your notions of female degradation aside, sex is sex). You're screwed."
Update 4: Jezebel offers: "Personally, I just hate leggings as pants!" One commenter declares Dov Charney the Antichrist.
Update 5: American Apparel blogs: "We know people like to talk about our ads. More often, it's tongues clucking and fingers wagging in disapproval but this time, we seem to have some blogs taking to our defense about our first nude ads for the web."