Hello Susannah,
I have been reading your blog with fascination for the last several months. I wish I could remember who linked to it, so I could thank them for helping me find it. Your posts are always interesting, well-composed, and thoughtful. I voted that I read your blog because I am smart, and I feel smarter for reading it. When other writers were criticizing you for introducing Letters from Working Girls, a comment I made on Audacia Ray's site was then quoted on Bound not Gagged, which then made its way to your site as "Sex Writing is a Political Act." Whether or not my view accurately represents yours, I was proud to have somehow participated in the discussion.
I'm prompted to write you now because I'm really impressed with how much content you've been putting up recently. You warned that you would be posting like a crackhead, and you are totally delivering. I imagine it might be hard to keep it up, but please know that as long as you're posting, I will be reading.