Friday, June 06, 2008

Furniture Porn

Somebody needs to do a photo shoot with a naked girl plopped into the middle of this sploink chair. Oh, wait. Somebody already did. Well, not really. She's wearing a bikini.

Fabrication porn: "How It Was Made: The chair was sculpted at 1/8th scale using Sculpey clay. From there, the model was cut into ¼ inch slices. These slices were scanned, blown up to full scale, and plotted to be used as a template for the full scale model. From there, the templates were adhered to 2 inch pink insulation foam, cut out, and assembled to the full scale form. Countless hours of sanding later, the form was coated in 4 coats of Elmer’s glue to protect the foam from resin. After the glue was dried, the form was sprayed with chopped fiberglass using a chopper gun. Once dried, the fiberglass was sanded down, then coated with Bondo. After sanding the Bondo as smooth as possible, it was painted with high epoxy glossy white paint."

Oh, yeah. That's hot. My favorite part was about the glue.

The man who designed this money shot chair is Michael L. Wendel. (via Clusterflock)