Monday, June 23, 2008

Sarah May Scott on "Quid Pro Quo"

Reverse Cowgirl pal Sarah May Scott, a blogger with a T4/5 SCI, blogs "Some Thoughts on Apotemnophilism." According to Wikipedia, apotemnophilia is "the erotic interest in being or looking like an amputee," and the fetish is the focus of a new film starring Nick Stahl and Vera Farmiga: "Quid Pro Quo."

She writes: "I feel conflicted about this movie, because I am of the opinion that any depiction of wheelchair users as sexual is a good thing. Really, any depiction at all will do, because we are largely an invisible minority to a lot of people, and the only way to change that is to raise awareness. So for me a feature film that explores sexuality within a disability context is a move in the right direction, no matter how awful the subtext of the film might be."

Read the rest of her entry here. Meet Sarah here. Follow along as she trains her service dog Coco for certification here. Related: "My Own Private Rehab," "Melt Me Down into Big Black Armour," "Social Networking for the Disabled: Why?"